School Life


Programs, Clubs & Events

Suhbah Clubs

Twice a month, Noon Academy hosts an after school Suhbah Program- once for girls and once for boys. The purpose of this program is to provide students with the opportunity to build collaborative and leadership skills and create lasting bonds with their peers. Through mentorship, targeted workshops, and engaging activities, the after school group aims to provide a safe Islamic environment to foster socio-emotional growth in students from grades 4-8.

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At-tarbiyyah An-nabawiyyah Award

Noon Academy’s At-Tarbiyyah An-Nabawiyyah program is a unique method of evaluating and rewarding the overall development of our student’s growth in line with the teachings of our Prophets and Messengers. Throughout the year, teachers will implement monthly character development lessons and use every opportunity to teach character development through examples of our prophets and messengers. At the end of the year, teachers will choose two students (one from grade 1-3 and one from grade 4-8) they believe have demonstrated an overall growth in the following domains: character, spiritually, intellectually, morally, socially, and physically. 

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School Spirit Days

On the third Wednesday of each month, students and teachers celebrate or commemorate an event or theme of the month together. Past School Spirit days have included; dress up as a hero, dress as your favorite story book character, Heritage Day, crazy hat day, community cleanup day, and career day.

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Character of the Month 

To promote character building and a great school climate, each month, one positive character trait or value will be highlighted through lessons and activities both within the classroom and the school. Each class will focus their assembly on that month’s character trait or theme. 

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Monthly assemblies are held after Salatul Dhuhr on the last Thursday of each month. Each class will put together a presentation for the school that is between 10 – 15 minutes. Parents are welcome to join in and watch their child perform in front of the school.

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Annual Spelling Bee

Throughout the month of October and November students will collectively and independently learn targeted spelling strategies. To commemorate all their efforts, we hold a spelling bee competition modelled from the National Spelling Bee of Canada’s competition.

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Juma’a Bake Sales

Our Juma’a Bake Sales are organized by volunteers every alternate Friday.  Each class gets to organize two bake sales per year to raise funds for their classroom supplies, manipulatives and books.

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Annual Science Fair 

The Annual Science Fair is a fun and engaging extracurricular event that concludes our March Monthly focus on Science and Tech. During March students in grade 3 – 8 participate in a collective mock science fair investigation in their classes based on their current subject of study. After conducting a science fair project in class with their teachers and peers, students can enter our annual science fair expo, where they can display and show off all the amazing science they learned. 

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Art Expo 

At the end of the year, Noon Volunteers collect and display all the amazing artwork done by Noon Students throughout the year. Parents are invited to view Noon Academy’s Art Gallery and also participate in the process of critically reviewing contributions made by students.  


School Schedule


School Opens

8:00 am

School Begins

8:30 am

Period One

8:40 to 9:40 am

Period Two

9:40 to 10:30 am

Nutrition Break

10:30 to 11:10 am

Period Three

11:10 am to12:00 pm

Period Four

12:00 to 12:50 pm

Nutrition Break

12:50 to 1:30 pm

Salah Break

1:30 to 1:40 pm

Period five

1:40 to 2:30 pm

Period six

2:20 – 3:30 pm

School Pick-up

3:30 pm


The school opens at 8:00am, parents may drop their children off anytime between 8:00am and 8:30am. Students who are dropped off before 8:30am, will be supervised by a staff member in the gym/gathering area. Each morning at 8:30am sharp, students will gather together and recite the Du’a Masnoon and then collectively sing the national anthem.  The school doors open for pick-up at 3:30pm. Parents must sign out their children from their classrooms by 3:45pm.


 Virtual School


We are in this together.

Through virtual Microsoft Teams, the Noon Academy is focusing on building strong teacher-student connections during the pandemic. All students are able to have access to their teachers and classmates at a touch of a button. We continue to host our Spirit Days and encourage team work through this online medium, building strong characters with each theme. Perseverance has been one of the main themes to help get through the trials of the pandemic. Career Day Students are able to showcase their careers virtually; online learning is done in a manner so as everyone had their career to share.

